Monday, May 15, 2017

Introduction: Design and Font Choices

My husband helped me to come up with the name for this blog, as he claims I tend to ramble when discussing the books I love, and because of that, "Ramblings of a Bibliophile" was born. I also wanted to ensure that the title would work even after my coursework was complete, should I choose to continue writing in a blog format.

Due to the nature of a bibliophile, I chose the bookshelf template as my background, as it relates to my current field of study, as well as my interest in books as a whole. As for my font choices, I decided upon the font type Garamond, as it is what I use in my everyday life at work (on all emails and typed documents), and is described by Garr Reynolds as "classic elegance, mature without being stuffy" in Presentation Zen Design (2014, p. 40), a description that I would love to describe myself in my personal life. By having the same font type for my post title, date of post, and post text, it allows for readability, simplicity, and continuity. However, I chose to use a different font for the blog title in order to create a more dynamic harmony and heirarchy (p. 43). To do so, I chose a font that differed from Garamond and settled upon Homemade Apple. Whereas the Garamond font is an older-style serif typeface, Homemade Apple adds diversity due to its more hand drawn, cursive script.

In trying one of the sandbox tools, I opted for the word cloud, as it is something I do not utilize frequently in the classroom. The word cloud is based on the Harry Potter series, which is my absolute favorite series and one I reference frequently as examples in my teaching. As I have used Wordle before, I wanted to try something new and opted for Word Art, which I have seen used, but I have never used it. After doing this, I want to make EVERYTHING into word art; it is so fun!!!

Reynolds, G. (2014). Presentation zen design: A simple visual approah to presenting in today's world (2nd ed.). Berkley, CA: New Riders.

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